Ottenwess & Associates PLC
Ottenwess & Associates, PLC is a progressive firm of highly trained and dedicated lawyers providing service to clients locally, regionally and throughout the nation. We possess the resources to meet virtually any legal need, with extensive experience handling issues involving medical malpractice, employment and domestic relations. Whether the issues are straight forward or complex, we strive to provide clients with responsive legal services that are superior in quality and competitive in cost.
* Medical & Dental Malpractice
One of the most disturbing social trends in the past few decades has been the explosion of malpractice claims in the health care professions. The tremendous increase in medical malpractice filings has resulted in the advent of "defensive medicine" and a health care community struggling to cope with the professional, economic and personal strain associated with defending the onslaught of claims.
In recent years the legislature has attempted to fashion a remedy via tort reform, but with little success. While three successive efforts at tort reform have resulted in a modest decrease in the number of malpractice cases filed, they have also created an incredibly complicated array of laws unique to medical and dental malpractice.
During these turbulent times, our attorneys have come to the aid of literally thousands of health care professionals. Each of our attorneys has extensive experience in medical/legal matters. This experience is used, both in seminars and private counseling, to pro-actively advise health care professionals on how to avoid the legal pitfalls inherent in contemporary medical practice. Our collective experience with medical/legal matters is also employed in the staunch defense of our health care professional clients at trial.
* Employment
Today's business landscape is considerably different from that of our parents. Businesses today are under constant economic pressure to make themselves lean while at the same time increasing productivity. Frequently, this process results in layoffs, downsizing and forced retirements; realities of business life in the 90's.
At the same time, an increasingly complicated scheme of statutory law on both the state and federal levels make it difficult to decide personnel issues without infringing on someone's rights. Accordingly, more and more businesses are choosing to consult with an attorney prior to making difficult personnel decisions, not only in an effort to be fair with their employees, but also to avoid litigation and unwanted negative publicity.
Over the years, the attorneys of Ottenwess & Associates, PLC have represented corporations in both state and federal courts, as well as before administrative employment agencies. Our attorneys have experience in litigating all types of employment cases, including wrongful discharge/termination, Title VII or Elliott-Larsen discrimination (e.g. sexual harassment, age-based and racial discrimination), handicap, wage, whistle-blower and RICO disputes. Our experience in litigating employment matters makes us uniquely qualified to provide consultation on almost all human resource issues, including the preparation of employee handbooks, policy manuals and separation agreements.
* Domestic Relations
The attorneys of Ottenwess & Associates, PLC realize there is much more involved in a divorce case than the dissolution of a marriage. It is about people's lives, their assets, their children, and their ability to move forward in an orderly, disciplined fashion when the emotional upheaval of a domestic dispute arises. Without question, divorce is perhaps one of life's most traumatic events and selecting the appropriate attorney to help you through it is of paramount importance.
With years of experience handling divorce and other cases involving matrimonial matters, our highly skilled attorneys are capable of handling the delicate issues that are associated with divorce and child custody, as well as prenuptial agreements and the disputes that arise from such agreements. We are also adept at handling protection of assets claims and valuation of private, business and professional entities.
Ottenwess & Associates PLC
Buhl Building
535 Griswold St #850
Detroit MI 48226
Tel: 313 965-2121
Fax: 313 965-7680
