Feikens, Stevens, Kennedy & Galbraith PC
Law Firm Medical Malpractice Defense, Health Care & HMO Attorneys Lawyers Detroit, Michigan

* Commercial Law: Feikens, Stevens, Kennedy & Galbraith, P.C., provides guidance and direction to a number of commercial business operations. Clients include corporations, limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, partnerships and professional corporations which are involved in a wide variety of business activities. The firm has represented clients in the organization, creation, restructuring and dissolution of various business entities.

Feikens, Stevens, Kennedy & Galbraith, P.C., assists business clients in contractual negotiations and arrangements of many kinds, including licensing, distribution, joint ventures and real estate. Purchasing, supply, competition and pricing are some of the business issues frequently encountered.

* Common Carrier Liability: Feikens, Stevens, Kennedy & Galbraith, P.C., regularly represents clients in matters involving passenger and third party liability; freight and cargo claims; Carmack and tariff litigation.

* Construction Law: From its inception, Feikens, Stevens, Kennedy & Galbraith, P.C., has been actively involved in representing clients in the construction industry. Indeed, the firm brings substantial expertise and an area-wide reputation to its construction litigation practice. Attorneys frequently encounter issues involving payment disputes, indemnity, governmental regulations and personal injury in matters of commercial, industrial and highway construction.

* Employment Law: Feikens, Stevens, Kennedy & Galbraith, P.C., is involved in a variety of employment law matters. Firm lawyers advise clients of their obligations under state and federal law. Trial representation ranges from employment at-will to wrongful discharge actions and affirmative action compliance programs.

* Health Care Law: Feikens, Stevens, Kennedy & Galbraith, P.C., is one of Michigan’s long-standing medical malpractice defense firms. A significant percentage of the firm’s attorneys currently handle the defense of physicians, managed care organizations, hospitals and other health care providers in medical negligence litigation.

The firm’s health care practice also includes representation of clients with respect to fundamental health care issues. These issues include licensing, staff privileges, billing and reimbursement, physician/hospital organizations and joint ventures.

Firm lawyers advise and represent several managed care organizations and Employee Health Benefit Plans. We offer experience in disputes with both providers and members along with COB issues.

* Insurance Law: Feikens, Stevens, Kennedy & Galbraith, P.C., has, since its inception, engaged in the practice of insurance law. Issues of liability and coverage are frequently encountered. The firm’s attorneys are experienced in the areas of general liability, professional liability, directors’ errors and omissions, and performance fidelity bonds. The firm also has represented clients with needs in automobile, homeowners, life, health, excess and reinsurance coverage matters. Representation has included insurers, business organizations and individuals in state and federal courts.

* Professional Liability: The firm’s practice involves the representation of legal, medical and other professionals. Apart from trial court proceedings, the firm is involved in licensing issues facing professionals. The firm is retained by insurance carriers, law firms, doctors and other professionals to investigate and resolve, where possible, client disputes.

* Product Liability: Over the years, the attorneys at Feikens, Stevens Kennedy & Galbraith, P.C., have earned reputations for their handling of product liability litigation. The firm has represented both insured and self-insured clients in state and federal courts. The cases have included such diverse products as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, industrial chemicals, firearms, construction and industrial equipment, automobiles and power tools. The firm has also been involved in toxic tort matters involving such products as asbestos and chemicals.

We are trial attorneys / lawyers located in the historic First National Building in downtown Detroit, Michigan. Our legal practice includes medical malpractice defense, general litigation defense, general health care law, HMO plan disputes, and plaintiff's litigation (except medical malpractice).

Feikens, Stevens, Kennedy & Galbraith PC
660 Woodward Ave #700
Detroit MI 48226-3577
Tel: 313 962-5909
Fax: 313 962-3125
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