Butzel Long PC
Business Litigation Practice

The Business Litigation practice group consists of skilled lawyers who, by expertise and experience, specialize in the litigation of disputes arising from business transactions and operations. Six members of the group are Fellows in the distinguished American College of Trial Lawyers, seven are top-ranked in Chambers USA, and twenty-three have been recognized for their work in The Best Lawyers in America (three of whom have also been identified as lawyers to whom to turn to on "bet the company" cases). Our business litigation group lawyers have focused their practice on the development and use of sophisticated techniques for highly effective and efficient analysis and evaluation of business disagreements. We have extensive experience in every form of business dispute resolution, whether the dispute merely requires negotiation, another alternative form of resolution such as arbitration or dispute review boards, or formal litigation proceedings and trial.

We also have extensive experience in litigating antitrust issues in a variety of distribution settings, as well as defending Sherman Act and Clayton Act claims on behalf of national and regional corporate clients in the consumer product, health care and financial services markets.

Business, Corporate and Taxation Practice

Butzel Long attorneys have assisted in the creation and growth of some of the largest corporations in the world. We have also helped entrepreneurs and small businesses build a sound foundation for long-term success, recognizing that the goals of closely-held businesses typically differ greatly from publicly-held corporations. Many of our corporate relationships are more than a half-century old testimony to both the skill and the deep commitment of our attorneys to the welfare of their client's enterprise.

In addition to the extensive business and technical background required to guide both profit-making and not-for-profit corporations, Butzel Long attorneys have substantial expertise in the areas of: securities regulation, corporate tax law, tax and financial issues for closely-held businesses, employment law and labor relations.

Corporate Formation and Governance

Butzel Long attorneys have a long, successful record of assisting clients in the formation, restructuring, and, if necessary, the orderly dissolution of corporations. This experience includes preparation of the necessary Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, corporate records and other filings, as well as negotiating and drafting corporate contracts, providing advice regarding dividend policies and extraordinary corporate transactions.

Additionally, Butzel Long attorneys are active in state and local bar association committees and subcommittees involved in the consideration and drafting of new corporate statutes and have written and lectured extensively on corporate topics. Members practicing in this area are experienced at advising both small, closely-held companies and large, privately and publicly-held companies.

Commercial Lending

Our attorneys have counseled both borrowers and lenders in hundreds of commercial lending transactions. They have in-depth experience with virtually every form of financing and type of collateral, including real property, equipment, accounts, securities and intangible assets. They have also worked extensively with letter of credit-backed financings and equipment leasing. Services range from negotiation and preparation of loan documents to assisting management in developing financing strategies and structuring collateral to maximize the benefit of a commercial loan transaction.

Securities/Mergers and Acquisitions

When companies seek to grow through capital formation or by acquiring the assets of other firms, Butzel Long attorneys advise and represent clients in every phase of the transaction. Attorneys practicing in this area are experienced in advising and assisting clients in negotiating and structuring transactions, in complying with federal and state securities laws in matters of capital formation and mergers and acquisitions, and in complying with periodic and other reporting requirements for publicly held companies. Preparation and filing of notification forms under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act and the Exon-Florio Act in connection with mergers and acquisitions is also included in our range of services.

The scope of our practice ranges from small private offerings for start-up or unseasoned companies, to initial public offerings, public offerings for publicly held companies, and larger merger and acquisition transactions. Attorneys in this area also assist Butzel Long litigators in takeover and other related litigation, frequently assist out-of-state counsel in connection with multi-state transactions and have served as counsel to special investigation committees of organizations' Boards of Directors.

Partnerships, Joint Ventures and Limited Liability Companies

We have several attorneys who specialize in non-corporate enterprises: partnerships, limited partnerships and limited liability organizations. Their work includes counsel in the formation and start-up of these ventures and extends to other dimensions of the entity's life cycle: new partners, withdrawal or removal of partners, restructuring, and Internal Revenue Service compliance.

The increased need to share technology and the resulting benefits has spawned an increased interest in joint ventures in the areas of manufacturing and research and development, among others. Butzel Long has assisted its clients in structuring joint ventures in this context.

Closely Held Businesses

Closely held business owners face unique business issues and typically work in an entrepreneurial style unique to this type of business. Butzel Long has a team of attorneys who understand these needs and gear their practice to meet them.

We understand that personal, family and business issues are interrelated in ways quite unlike the larger public corporation. The need for clear agreements with partners or family members is essential for avoiding future disputes. And of course, the plan for succession has personal, family, tax and financial implications even beyond the question of the business itself. The business owner expects immediate access to our attorneys for consultation, and we respect the need to respond promptly to information requests and assignments. We know, too, the value of delivering our services cost effectively.

Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit organizations are attracting increasing scrutiny from federal, state and local revenue authorities amidst constantly changing regulations governing exempt status. Butzel Long serves a wide range of nonprofit associations, charities and foundations with advice and counsel on everything related to qualification and maintenance of tax-exempt status, including planning corporate and business transactions and analyzing charitable giving to preserve tax-exempt status.

Specific services to nonprofit organizations include qualification of organizations as tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Code, advising clients as to the provisions regarding unrelated business taxable income, and obtaining exemptions for various state and local property, sales and unemployment taxes.

Corporate Tax Matters

Hardly any area of corporate management, whether for-profit or tax-exempt, exists that does not have a tax implication. Butzel Long's extensive resources allow us to serve the tax-planning and representation needs of a client with an integrated team of attorney specialists in taxation, corporate and securities matters, employee benefits and personal tax planning.

Our work typically includes planning suitable tax strategies for a client in matters that range from large corporate acquisitions to international transactions governed by tax codes in several countries.

The complexity of business regulations and tax codes requires attorneys who spend hundreds of hours each year studying the impact of the newest regulations. We regularly represent clients in audits, prepare and submit appeals and serve as counsel in litigation before all levels of the tax courts. We also advise and assist our clients in preparing and filing all types of tax-related reporting including federal, state and local business tax forms, state sales and use taxes, and others.

Butzel Long PC
150 W Jefferson Ave #100
Detroit MI 48226-4450
Tel: 313 225-7000
Fax: 313 225-7080
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