Butzel Long PC
Product Liability Practice
Representation of product manufacturers is a significant part of Butzel Long's practice. The firm takes an aggressive yet cost-effective approach to all product liability litigation. Our attorneys work closely and directly with each client to develop the most appropriate defense strategy for a particular case.
Initially, a principal attorney is matched to the client and is primarily responsible for coordinating, managing and billing all matters for that client. The principal attorney consults with the client, defines the scope of the matter, identifies the client's goals and requirements, and establishes an operating procedure to accommodate the client's particular needs. Thereafter, the principal attorney will either handle the matter or assign it to another attorney (or team of attorneys) that best meets the client's objectives. This system accommodates both clients who prefer the close personal involvement of a principal attorney in all phases of the case and those clients who prefer to utilize more heavily other shareholders, associates or legal assistants for elements of case preparation not requiring principal level involvement. In addition, the flexibility of this approach allows us to attain high levels of efficiency and cost effectiveness while satisfying each client's unique needs.
Our attorneys have had extensive experience representing companies in the defense of a variety of products. Each of these cases has required substantive familiarity with the design and engineering principles at work with the product. The firm's product attorneys are committed to a mastery of the technical aspects of each case and work closely with client personnel and independent engineers in developing the engineering defense. We realize the importance of learning the product and devote the time and effort necessary to do so. We also realize that the cost of this training should not necessarily be borne entirely by our client.
An important sub-category of the firm's product liability work has involved automotive-related products. The firm has represented several tire manufacturers in product liability actions in many jurisdictions. We have also represented Paccar, Inc., manufacturer of Peterbilt and Kenworth Trucks, in a range of cases involving crash-worthiness, alleged manufacturing and design defects of various components (such as front bumpers), and U.C.C. warranty-related actions dealing with claims made by specific vehicle owners. Our attorneys have represented Fleetwood Motor Homes, Inc. in a variety of actions, including cases involving fires and alleged design and manufacturing defects. Other examples of automotive industry product liability experience include representation of TRW Automotive Inc. and Kelsey-Hayes Company in chassis component and anti-lock brake system litigation nationally.
The firm has also defended Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc., General Electric Corp., Allied Signal, Inc., Okonite Corporation and Kelsey-Hayes Company in their asbestos personal injury and property damage cases. This mass tort litigation was effectively and efficiently administered with the aid of our computer case management program.
Because the work on behalf of product manufacturers is very expert-oriented, the firm maintains files on a variety of experts who routinely testify in product liability matters.
Butzel Long PC
150 W Jefferson Ave #100
Detroit MI 48226-4450
Tel: 313 225-7000
Fax: 313 225-7080
