William J Maze
Michigan DUI Lawyers | Detroit Drunk Driving | Michigan Drunk Driving Law | Detroit DUI Lawyer | Michigan DUI Attorney | Detroit DWI Lawyer | Michigan DWI Attorney | Drunk Driving Defense | Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers | Michigan DUI Law | Detroit DUI Attorney | Michigan DUI Lawyer | Detroit DWI Attorney | Michigan OWI lawyer | DUI Law Firm | Detroit OWI lawyer

The MAZE LEGAL GROUP, PC provides effective, successful defenses for drivers accused of being intoxicated across Michigan. We understand the law, we understand field sobriety testing, and we understand the science of breath and blood testing. Because we understand these things, we win cases.

Maze Legal Group PC
831 Monroe St
Dearborn MI 48124
Tel: 313 792-8800; 734 740-1900; 888 941-1122
Fax: 313 792-8811
E-mail: william.maze@comcast.net

Although our office is located in Southeastern Michigan, we represent clients accused of drunk driving across the State of Michigan, including the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Mr. Maze has developed strong relationships with attorneys in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula to help represent people affordably, but he is also prepared to fly charter aircraft to remote areas of the state to help assist his clients who are seeking the most qualified DUI lawyers in the state.
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